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As COVID-19 is increasingly spreading throughout Florida (thaaaaaanks, Spring Breakers who have chosen to disregard pandemic travel advisories) I have decided the best thing I can do for myself is to eat well so that I can give my body the best chance at being strong in case I do come into contact with this, or any, virus. As part of social distancing, I have spent the past two weeks coming home for lunch and eating a big-ass salad. As you can see from the various photos of salads, I use the same basic ingredients– lettuce, tomato, peppers, red onion, olives, avocado, and chicken. I go through phases with dressings and use the same one for several weeks before switching it up. Right now I’m obsessed with olive oil + balsamic vinegar with Italian seasonings, salt + pepper, and romano cheese.The balsamic vinegar I use is from Primal Kitchen.
Today’s salad was particularly exquisite despite its lack of avocado slices. I used my Instant Pot to hard-boil a batch of eggs for an egg salad yesterday and I had several eggs ready to go as snacks. Today’s salad featured chicken and an egg! Same dressing, except now I have romano chips (not sure what to call them…flakes?) instead of shreds!
This pandemic is the perfect time for me to step up my food game and eat well so that I can keep my immune system built up and strong. I cannot control other people’s irresponsibility and lack of precaution, but I can do my part in protecting myself.
Stay strong everyone!
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